Title ~ Ryan's New Obsession Team ~ Drama Club Challenge ~ .03 Twilight Character/Pairing ~ Chad/Ryan Rating ~ PG Notes ~ Yes, about the Twilight book.
Title: 'It Was So Easy Not to Behold What I Could Hold' Team: Brainiacs Challenge: #03, Twilight Character/Pairing: Ryan/Troy Rating: PG Warnings: Slashy overtones. Author's Notes: Title from Vanessa Carlton's "Twilight."
Title: What the Bop? Team: Jocks Challenge: Twilight Characters: Ryan and Troy Rating: PG Author's Notes/Warning: A post-HSM pre-HSM2 encounter in which Troy is confused.
title: literature team: drama club challenge: #o3.twilight character/pairing: chad, troy rating: pg warnings: n/a author's notes: drabble one. might be a series; hard to tell right now